TLC group member Chilli strips down to tiger stripes in a new PETA ad boycotting the circus. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
PETA seeks to bring awareness to the mistreatment of tigers in the circus with their new Anti-Circus Campaign. The ad captions that tigers are struck to perform task and are confined to small cages, which Chilli is pictured in. The ad is promoting others to boycott the circus that uses animals. PETA states:
"Circuses deprive tigers of everything that is natural and important to them, including interacting with their families, foraging and hunting for food, and roaming for miles. Tigers used by circuses are locked in small cages and warehoused in traveling boxcars, where they are exposed to extreme heat and freezing-cold weather. These unnatural and stressful conditions lead tigers and other big cats to become ill, despondent, and increasingly agitated, endangering other animals, circus workers, and attendees."In an interview with PETA, Chilli expresses her concern for tigers in the circus and why she wants to bring awareness:
"There's so much cruelty behind the scenes, which is a something that a lot of people don't get to see. They're being mean to them to make them do this trick .... And I think that everybody needs to be aware of what's really going on."She also adds:
It's important to inform and bring awareness to issues that never get talked about. Chilli has shown that she's moved past all of the post CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story drama and is focusing her energy on something positive. She preformed last night on the American Music Awards along with group member T-Boz and guest Lil Mama."If you can raise awareness to something that's important, such as this, then you should, because I know for a fact that I would never want to be in a cage."
For more information on the campaign visit
Via Enchanted PR