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Who Got The Hat?! August Alsina Goes Off Concert Crowd

                             August Alsina Instagram
As we've learned recently, August Alisna don't play! Few past incidents have indicated that it doesn't take much to push the 21-year old's buttons. He is especially less tolerant to BS when it comes to those close to him. While performing at a concert in Little Rock, AK, last night it seems that Alsina's hat was stolen. The details are a little sketchy as to whether the hat fell off or if a fan removed the hat.
What's the big deal? August put a halt the concert to give his fans a piece of his mind. Upon doing that, he made his way into the crowd to search for the hat himself, going on to say, "Where's it at? Or we gone cause a motherf**king riot in this b*tch!" The hat, was supposedly given to August by his deceased brother meaning it had sentimental value to him, but to cause a riot over the item may have been a little too much for concert-goers. For those of you who haven't seen the video is has been posted below, with special thanks to AllyThePub. Watch it below:


Although in my opinion, the situation could have and should have been handled a little more delicately. Albeit emotions were involved, the young star should know better, but to each his own! August, being the charmer he is went on to tweet after the concert:

So maybe August is feeling a little guilty about his actions, and he may even have his significant hat back, but by no means was that an apology. It was just a simple reminder that August don't play that and y'all better be ready for whatever! If you want a show that brings the heat, in more ways than one, then get yourself a pair of tickets on August's website. Apart from going off on fans last night, August is remains busy promoting his debut album Testimony. He was featured as one of XXL Magazine's 2014 Freshman Class as the only R&B artist. August Alsina is nominated for 4 BET Award nominations this year, and will be hitting the Hot 97 Summer Jam stage this year for the first time.

What are your thoughts on his recent actions?
(Photo: August Alsina Instagram)

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