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Amber Rose Dedicates #MCE Instagram Post to Wiz Khalifa

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Today isn't #MCM aka "Man Crush Monday", but Amber Rose decided to shout out ex-husband, Wiz Khalifa, on Instagram as her #MCE aka "Man Crush Everyday".

The past few months have been a bit rocky for one of Rap and Hip Hop's favorite past "it" couple. From Amber discovering Wiz cheating on her, to filing for a divorce, shade being thrown at each other from social media accounts, and a rather nasty custody battle (which resulted in a joint custody agreement.  Before then, the world took notice of the couple's best moments and their display of love for each other by their displays of affection, marriage, songs dedicated and referencing Amber, tattoos of each other's faces on them, and creating a beautiful, two-year old baby boy by the name of Sebastian.  When hope looked lost for the couple, Amber gave a little right back to fans by posting the following post on Instagram:

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Amber recognizes in the humbling post that at some point in their relationship, something went wrong.  She also professes her love for him no matter what and that she's tired of putting on a front pretending like she's happy without him. The two are gradually putting the pieces back together and are now on speaking terms.  Hopefully in the future, the pair can rekindle their relationship and work things out.

Would  you like to see the pair back together?

(Photos: Twitter)

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