"Hands up, don't shoot!" The events surrounding Ferguson, Missouri has ignited a flame in many communities across the nation. Mike Brown, 18, was executed by Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson, on August 9, 2014. A month has passed and Mike Brown's family is still fighting for justice.
On August 9, 2014, an unarmed, Mike Brown, was shot after a call about a convenience store robbery was made. Brown and his friend were walking down the street, where Brown was shot by the first officer on the scene.
Attorney General, Eric Holder, and the Department of Justice are not only investigating the Mike Brown case, but also the entire Ferguson Police Department. This open investigation is from a case in 2009, where the Ferguson Police Department beat a black man and charged him with "damaging property" for bleeding on the police officers uniforms. The evidence from this case would prove whether or not the Ferguson PD is violating civil rights for misuse of force and discrimination.
The judge for the Mike Brown case, Carolyn Whittington, has extended the grand jury deadline to January 7, 2015, which Missouri law allows a jury to sit for six months.
The Fight for Justice for Mike Brown Continues
Darren Wilson
Eric Holder
Mike Brown