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Avery Wilson: The Industry's Right Now Unhyped Superstar

The music industry is in an interesting place. Getting signed to a record label nowadays doesn't necessarily require showing up to the corporate office performing cuts off your mixtape as the CEO or chief A&R leaves for the day. Getting signed to a major record company also doesn't require you to go on shows that have birthed stars in the past such as "Star Search" or "American Idol." The internet has almost eliminated that. 

The internet has opened the gates of creativity and a virtual stage for millions of aspiring entertainers to add their imprint into the world. Many upcoming artist and entertainers have been granted once in a lifetime opportunities based on their hype as an internet sensation. The danger of discovering talent on the internet can be a hit or miss. One catchy video or song can be the beginning and ending of a career, if one can't successfully produce quality material outside of their digital platform.

Twenty year old Avery Wilson created a platform and a fanbase for himself utilizing the internet, and is perfect example of the modern day way of getting discovered by the masses. There's a huge chance if you're heavy on social media, you've seen a video of Avery Wilson singing on your timeline. Despite having a voice that will blow you away, you probably kept scrolling to watch another huge internet sensation with a funny video or fulfill your guilty pleasure of reading a post of an overhyped internet superstar from your favorite blog site. 

With over 266,000 followers on Instagram, 39,000 followers on Twitter, 1.4 million followers on Vine (with over 238 million loops) and millions of views on YouTube how has the name Avery Wilson not rang a bell to so many still? You've also probably seen Wilson on your TV on shows such as "The Voice" and the 2015 BET Awards. He still may fly under your radar for now at least, but don't get used to it. Avery Wilson has a few strong components underneath him that have him already positioned for success outside of the internet and ready for a great career of stardom. 

 In a recent intimate introduction to Avery Wilson with songwriter/producer Sean Garrett to some of Atlanta's tastemakers, Avery got a chance to showcase his vocal abilities and open up about his musical journey so far. He currently is under the direction of Sean Garrett, the man who is helping to shape Wilson not only into being a great artist with longevity but an even stronger, smarter man. A young Avery Wilson was sought out by Garrett some years back, auditioning for him in his home in Connecticut at 4am. It was then the two began building something more than just business; a brotherhood, a mentor-mentee relationship, a comradery. 

A songwriter, singer and producer with a very lengthy production credit list could have easily whipped up a hit record for Avery Wilson. Instead, Sean Garrett made Wilson wait almost two years before recording a song to put out to the public. This time was spent allowing a young Avery to learn, mature, develop his craft, get into shape and build his brand. When the time was right, Garrett introduced Wilson to the legendary Clive Davis. The introduction/audition earned Wilson his first record deal at RCA Records. Fresh into his 20s, Avery Wilson is very mature. He's careful about what he says and how he says it but is also okay with admitting while's still growing, he doesn't have all the answers yet. The multi-talented young man is ready to perform, see the world and impact people with his gift music. 

"When you have so much stored inside of you that you've been gifted with, there's just no way to not use all of that. I'm not just going to stand by a mic and sing you to death, I gotta give you a show. A lot of people haven't seen me live. They've only seen me from a computer screen or their phone. To see me live; dancing and playing I think that will be different." 
As of now, Avery Wilson is still developing his moves carefully with his right hand Sean Garrett. The two of them share a similar passion for music and are on a quest to produce quality over quantity. Although it is important for Avery to make music that can appeal to a vast audience, the two stressed the importance of making music true to the culture of their people. In a time where R&B is considered "dead" and where Hip-Hop is claimed not to be making a huge economic impact on the music industry (which is not true), Avery Wilson sees himself defying all of those barriers as he aims to simply be himself.

He recently released his 2nd radio single "Change My Mind," a fused international Hip-Hop/R&B sound. Outside of separating himself now from being Vine and Instagram famous, his biggest goals are compelling the industry and completing his first album. Avery Wilson's charisma, humbleness, intellect and true artistry won't have him under-hyped for long at all. His head is on straight and his vision is clear, the time is now for him to shine.

(Photo: top-Instagram/body-FARRINHEIT 411)

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