After a bunch of drama went down with Rihanna and former director of the "Pour It Up" video Vincent Haycock, Rihanna decided to do it her way and direct the video herself. She's been posting pics to her Instagram of her on set having fun with the remake the video "Pour It Up." You can see that it's a lot of strip clubs and dollar bills! Rihanna decided to get creative and sexy for the club hit, and since fans have been waiting for the video since May, she's giving her fans a little tease with some behind the scenes footage of the 'Pour It Up" video. Watch it below:
Watch Behind the Scene of Rihanna's "Pour It Up" Video
After a bunch of drama went down with Rihanna and former director of the "Pour It Up" video Vincent Haycock, Rihanna decided to do it her way and direct the video herself. She's been posting pics to her Instagram of her on set having fun with the remake the video "Pour It Up." You can see that it's a lot of strip clubs and dollar bills! Rihanna decided to get creative and sexy for the club hit, and since fans have been waiting for the video since May, she's giving her fans a little tease with some behind the scenes footage of the 'Pour It Up" video. Watch it below: