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Miss Diddy Presents: A Toast To Young Hollywood

Branding Jennings Lashonte

To kick off the 2014 BET Awards weekend, Los Angeles native Miss Diddy threw one of the hottest events in the city last night. "A Toast To Young Hollywood" was a special tribute honoring some of Hollywood's finest, who have contributed to the success of Miss Diddy over the past 10 years. To celebrate the joyous occasion, the event had attendees from Floyd Mayweather to Amber Rose.

Miss Diddy, owner of The Brand Group, earned her nickname for her hustle and grind in LA as one of the only female promoters and top brand strategist in her field. Her company is behind some of the hottest events and brands in LA such as Toxic Day Party, Pynk Magazine, All Def Comedy, Supper Club Tuesdays and Couture Night Club (Saturdays). To show her appreciation to those who have assisted her along the way and has remained a loyal friend, Miss Diddy wanted to show her appreciation by granting them with an award. Filled with emotions, personality and tons of energy, Miss Diddy presented each award to her guest and humbly thanked the city of Los Angeles for supporting her along the way.

Miss Diddy Farrin Hymon

The honorees for "A Toast To Young Hollywood" included:
Karen Civil (
Cortez Bryant (Bryant Management)
Kenny Burns (Revolt TV)
Dallas Martin (VP & A&R Atlantic Records)
Steve Rifkind (All Def Music)
Baron Davis (NBA Player)
Eric Bellinger (Singer/Songwriter)
Kyla Pratt (Actress)
John Monopoly (Executive Jive Records)
Ricki Brazil (Regal Management Group/The Money Team)
Megan & La'Myia Good (Actress)

Attendees included models Blac Chyna & Lashonte, NBA baller Brandon Jennings, Basketball Wives' Tami Roman, America's Next Top Model contestant Don Benjamin, Marrying the Game's Tiffany Cambrige, blogger Jason Lee, author Rob Hill Sr., singer RaVaughn, rapper Kid Red, actor Darius Love, and more! "A Toast To Young Hollywood," took place at the Sofitel Hotel, which housed a spacious yet intimate setting to create the perfect mood for the celebration.

To top off the night, everyone raised a bottle of Myx Fusions moscato in the air to toast to the success of young, urban, talented individuals in entertainment, as well as Miss Diddy and The Brand Group. This was a fun, positive event to put the 2014 BET Awards festivities into motion. Congratulations to all of the recipients and Miss Diddy for continuing to push the culture and create a space for black entertainment in Hollywood! Check out the pics below from "A Toast To Young Hollywood."


eric bellinger

the brand group la

brandon jennings

rob hill sr

kevin mccall

kenny burns

kenny burns rob hill sr

karen civil

kyla pratt

miss diddy_karen civil

megan good

flyod mayweather

cortez bryant

(Photos: Mikah Fuller- FARRINHEIT 411)

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