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Loretta Lynch: First Black Woman to Serve As US' Top Law Enforcement Official

"I am here to tell you, if a little girl from North Carolina who used to tell her grandfather in the fields to lift her up on the back of his mule, so she could see 'way up high, Granddaddy,' can become the chief law enforcement officer of the United States of America, then we can do anything."  

The power of hard working, dreaming big and faith of possibilities is real! The 83rd Attorney General of the United States, Loretta Lynch was sworn in April 27th in Washington, DC. What makes it even better? She is the first African American women to serve as the highest official of law enforcement in the history of America. 

The sworn to oath induction was administered by current Vice President Joe Biden. Lynch 55, now serves as U.S. Attorney Geneal following Eric Holder who recently stepped down from the position after six years. It was announced days before being sworn in that Loretta Lynch had been appointed the postion. The Harvard-graduate previously served as the US attorney of the Eastern district of New York. She will serve the position of Attorney General for the remaining of the Obama Administration.

“We can imbue our criminal justice system with both strength and fairness, for the protection of both the needs of victims and the rights of all. We can restore trust and faith both in our laws and in those of us who enforce them."
Lynch said during the Justice Department ceremony.

During her first days in her position, Loretta Lynch is faced with serious issues surrounding the Baltimore riots in the death of Freddie Gray. The day she was sworn into office, Freddie Gray's funeral took place not an hour away from the nation's capitol that resulted into community locals turning to violent acts fueling frustration of oppression, poverty and police brutality. Before Eric Holder left office, he was involved in the cases of Eric Garner and Michael Brown who were both killed by police officers, causing violent protest and eruptions around the country. Unfortunately, stories like these are coming to light everyday.  To say Loretta Lynch has her work cut out for her in the first week of her new job is an understatement.

She made her first on-camera appearance as Attorney General Wednesday to discuss the events taking place in Baltimore. She said in a press conference
"Baltimore is a symbol of the issues we must deal with. Baltimore is a home to more than 600,000 people. And it was their home that the peaceful protesters were trying to make better. And it was also their home that the injured officers were trying to protect, so let us keep all the people of Baltimore in our thoughts and prayers in the coming days."

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