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Nicki Minaj's Madame Tussauds Wax Figure Pose Is Unnecessarily Sexualized

On August 4th Madame Tussauds Las Vegas revealed the very first wax figure of Hip-Hop diva Nicki Minaj. In celebration of one year since her internet breaking video "Anaconda" premiered, the famous wax museum surprised Nicki with the figure inspired by the video. This made her the first female Hip-Hop artist to have a wax figure in any of the Madame Tussauds Museums. The sexy Nicki wax figure is taken practically identical to Nicki's jungle scene from hair, outfit, even the stand in dancers. 

As great as the news is for Nicki Minaj and the world of Hip-Hop to continue to break grounds in various areas of the world, there is one concern of the new permanent wax figure of Nicki. This display of a beautiful woman that is known for her body; curvy hips, perky breast and large butt is perked in a sexual position on a display for thousands of spectators to enjoy. Since the reveal of Nicki Minaj's figure, numerous of site seers (mainly men) have been caught jokingly forming sexual positions on the figure. Photos began circulating via social media of people on top of the platform, pulling Nicki's hair while "hitting it from the back," taking a bite out of her behind and more. These activities have lead the museum to place security around the section of Nicki Minaj's figure to prevent damage to the piece.

Why was that pose in particular selected to create the wax figure of Nicki Minaj? The Madame Tussauds Museum exist in major cities around the world with some of the most iconic entertainers to date. The majority of the figures are created from a famous scene or photo taken of the individual, most of them of are simple, yet detailed standing figures. It is no false statement that Nicki Minaj's career was built on the foundation of sex, hence her stage name. It is also true that her 2014 video "Anaconda" was named one of the most sexual music videos released that year. Her raunchy hard spitting lyrics, revealing customs and sexually free spirit has painted the rapper in a certain light. She's desired and admired by women that seek that type of attention from men. On a positive note, Nicki Minaj is hands down one of the most innovative and successful Hip-Hop artist we've seen in a very long time, which makes her admiration to young women accepted.

Unfortunately, she has exploited herself which has given a pass to countless individuals to do the same to her, this wax figure being one of them.  Nicki Minaj was honored to see the surprise reveal of her wax figure at the Madame Tussauds and humored by crazed fans "enjoying" the display. The artist that created this piece had to have known the response it would receive, no? Knowing the history of exploitation of the black woman's body by being displayed as a zoo animal and sold for money makes this wax figure offensive.

Sadly for those who are disconnected from Hip-Hop culture only know and see negative images of black women on the surface. This leads to shaping of  ideologies, misunderstanding and stereotypes. The black woman's body has always been viewed as a sexual, black women, playing into men's (historically white men's) hypersexual behavior. Some may view Nicki Minaj's wax figure and think nothing of it, others will interpret the bigger picture. As women of color around the world fight for equality in their homes, careers, sexuality, pro-choice and to recognized as queens, wax figures of major entertainers do not need to be made in positions like these. As talented as Nicki Minaj is, her public image such as the wax museum at the Madame Tussauds can make it very easy for one to generalize black women as a whole.

Despite recent controversy surrounding Nicki Minaj's wax figure, Madame Tussauds has issued a statement they will not be removing the figure from the museum.

(Photo: Twitter)

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